

发布时间:2023-06-13 808


(一)Cognitive Errors:Belief Perseverance(认知错误:信念坚持)

1. Conservatism bias(保守主义偏见)


Conservatism bias is a belief preseverance bias in which people maintain their previous views or forecasts by inadequately incorporating new information(Slow to react new information).



· Maintain or be slow to update a view or a forecast, even when presented with new information.

· Opt to maintain a prior belief rather than deal with the mental stress of updating beliefs given complex data(如会计政策变动导致的数字变化).

• 在面对新信息时,坚持维持某种观点或预测,或者更新观点或预测的速度较慢。 

• 在面对复杂数据时,选择坚持之前的信念,而不是处理更新信念所带来的心理压力(例如会计政策变动导致的数字变化)。


Corrected foror reduced by properly analyzing and weighing new information .


2. Confirmation bias(确认偏见)


Confimation bias is a belief preseverance bias in whichpeople tend to look for and notice what confirm their beliefs and to ignore or undervalue what contradicts their beliefs .



· consider only the positive information about an existing investment and ignore any negative information about the investment. 

· Develops screening criteria and ignore information that either refutes the validity of the screening criteria or supports other screening criteria .

· Under-diversify portfolios leading to excessive exposures to risk. 

· Hold a disproportionate amount of their investment assets in their employing company's stock because they believe in their company and are convinced of its favorable prospects. 

• 仅考虑现有投资的正面信息,忽视任何与该投资相关的负面信息。

• 制定筛选标准并忽视反驳筛选标准有效性或支持其他筛选标准的信息。

• 投资组合分散度不足,导致风险过度暴露。

• 将大部分投资资产投入自己所在公司的股票中,因为他们对自己的公司有信心,并确信其前景良好。

by actively seeking out information thatchallenges your beliefs and conduct additional research.


3. Representativeness bias(典型性偏见)


Representativeness bias is a belief preseverance bias in which people tend to classify new informatin based on past experience and classification.



· Overweighting the new information which occurs when investors attach more importance to recent data than old data,例如都去投资最近表现好的证券,风险点在于trend的变化.

· Adopt a view or a forecast based almost exclusively on new information or a small sample.(Base rate neglect+Sample size neglect).

· Update beliefs using simple classifications rather than deal with the mental stress of updating beliefs given complex data.

• 对新信息进行过度加权,即投资者将最近的数据比旧数据更重要,例如倾向于投资最近表现良好的证券,而风险在于忽视趋势的变化。

• 基本上只根据新信息或小样本采取观点或预测(忽视基础率和样本大小)。

• 使用简单的分类方式更新信念,而不愿意处理更新信念所带来的心理压力,尤其是在面对复杂数据时。


Be aware ofstatistical mistakes and constantly ask themselves if they are overlooking the reality of investment situation being considered.


4. Illusion of control bias(控制错觉偏见)


Illusin of control is a beliefpreserverance bias in which people tend to believe they can control or influence the outcomes when in fact they cannot.



·Trade more than is prudent ——> excessive trading 自我感觉良好,过度交易或者仓位集中度很高(不够分散);可通过governance或者使用CAPM来mitigate.

·Lead investors to inadequately diversify portfolios.

• 过度交易:人们由于控制错觉,会进行超出合理范围的交易,或者仓位集中度过高(缺乏充分分散)。可以通过有效的监管措施或使用资本资产定价模型(CAPM)来减轻这种情况。

• 投资者不充分分散投资组合:控制错觉使得投资者不足够地分散投资组合。


·Aware that successful investment is a probabilistic activity.

·Seek contrary viewpoints.

·Keep records.

• 意识到成功的投资是一种概率性的活动。

• 寻求相反的观点。

• 保留记录。

5.Hindsight bias(事后偏见)


Hindsight bias is a belief preseverance bias withself perception and retention aspects. People may see past events as having been predictable and reasonable to expect.



·Overestimate the degrees to which they predicted an investment outcome, thus giving them a false sense of confidence.

·Cause FMPs to unfairly assess money managers or security performance.

• 过高估计自己对投资结果的预测程度,从而给他们一种虚假的自信感。

• 导致基金经理或证券表现被不公平地评估。


Carefullyrecord and examine their investment decisions, both good and bad, to avoid repeating past investment mistakes.


(二)Cognitive Errors:Information Processing(认知错误:信息处理)

1. Anchoring andadjustment bias(锚定和调整偏差)


Anchoring and adjustment biasis an information-processing bias in which the use of a psychological heuristic influence the way people estimate probabilities.



Stick too closely to theiroriginal estimates when new information is learned.



Consciouslyask questions that may reveal an anchoring and adjustment bias.


2. Mental accounting bias (心理账户偏见)


Mental accounting bias is an information-processingbias in which people treat one sum of money differently from another equal-sized sum based on which mental account the money is assigned to. 简单粗暴+主观臆断(based on subjective criteria)拆分成sub-portfolio或layered但忽略了correlation,可通过goal-based investment来mitigate(这种客观理智的拆分法).



·Neglect opportunities to reduce the risk by combining assets with low correlation.

·Irrationally distinguish between returns derived from income and those derived from capital gains.

• 忽视通过将相关性较低的资产组合起来来降低风险的机会。

• 不合理地区分来自收入和来自资本收益的回报。


Combineall assets together to see actual asset allocation and view total return.


3. Framing bias (框架偏见)


Framing bias is an information processing bias in which a person answers a question differentlybased on the way the question is asked (framed). The way information is presented affects the resulting decision. 



·Misidentify risk tolerance because of the questionaire is framed.

·Choose suboptimal investments based on how information about the specific investment is framed.

·Focus on short-term price fluctuations, which may result in excessive trading.

• 由于问卷的框架,错误地确定风险承受能力。

• 根据特定投资的信息框架选择次优的投资。

• 关注短期价格波动,可能导致过度交易。


·Focus on E(R) and risk rather than P&L.

·Be neutral and open-minded.

• 专注于预期收益率和风险,而非盈亏情况。

• 保持中立和开放的心态。

4.Availability bias (可得性偏见)

还有home/familiarity bias(归属地偏见/熟悉度偏见),Easily-recalled(容易回忆起的)的东西被给予过高权重。


Availabilitybias is an information-processing bias in which people take heuristic (mental shortcut) approach to estimate the probability of an outcome based on how easily the outcome comes to mind.



·Choose an investment, advisor, mutual fund based on advertising rather than a thorough analysis of the options.

·Limit their investment opportunity set.

·Fail to diversify ——> narrow range of experience.

·Fail to achieve an appropriate asset allocation.

• 基于广告而非对各种选择进行深入分析来选择投资、顾问或共同基金。

• 限制自己的投资机会范围。

• 未能实现充分的资产分散,导致经验范围狭窄。

• 未能达到适当的资产配置。


·A disciplined method.

·Carefully write IPS.

·Fully research.

·Promote long-term focus.

• 采用有纪律的方法。

• 仔细撰写投资政策声明(IPS)。

• 充分进行研究。

• 倡导长期关注。

(三)Emotional bias(情绪偏见)

1. Loss aversion bias(损失厌恶偏见)


Loss-aversion biasis an emotional bias in which people tend to strongly prefer aviod losses as opposed to achieving gains.



·Hold positions in loss longer than jusitified by fundamental analysis .

·Sell investments in gain earlier than justified by fundamentals.

·Limit the upside potential by selling winners and holding losers.

·Trade excessively as a result of sellng winners.

·Hold riskier portfolios than is acceptable based on the risk/return objectives.

• 在基本分析所能证明的范围内,持有亏损头寸的时间比理性分析所要求的时间更长。

• 在基本面证明之前,提前出售盈利投资。

• 通过卖出赢家并持有亏损者,限制了上行潜力。

• 由于卖出赢家而过度交易。

• 根据风险/收益目标,持有的风险组合超出了可接受的范围。


·Perform a thorough fundamental analysis.

·goal-based investment可以克服这个bias.

• 进行彻底的基本分析。

• 采用基于目标的投资方法可以克服这种偏见。

2. Overconfidence bias(过度自信偏见)


Overconfidence is a biasin hich people denmonstrated unwarranted faith in their own reasoning, judgement, and/or cognitive abilities, the result of overestimating knowledge levels, abilities and access to information.



·Underestimate the risk and overestimate the expected return

·Hold properly diversified portfolios

·Trade excessively

·Experience lower returns than those of markets.

• 低估风险和高估预期收益。

• 持有适当分散的投资组合。

• 过度交易。

• 相对市场获得较低的回报。


·A conscious review process.

·Keep detailed records of trades.

·Analyze winners and loss.

• 有意识的审查过程。

• 详细记录交易。

• 分析盈利和亏损情况。

3. Self-control bias(自控偏差)


Self-control biasis an emotional bias in which people fail to act in pursuit of their long-term, overarching goals because of a lack of self-discipline.



·Save insufficently for the future.

·Accept too much risk in their portfolio ——> attempt to generate higher returns .

·Asset allocation imbalance.

• 未能足够为未来存钱。

• 在投资组合中承受过多风险,试图获得更高的回报。

• 资产配置不平衡。


·Saving plans.

·Keep goals in mind.

• 制定储蓄计划。

• 牢记目标。

4. Status quo bias (墨守成规偏见)


People do nothing instead ofmaking a change.



·Unknowingly maintain portfolios with risk/return, inappropriate for their circumstances.

·Fail to explore other opportunities.

• 在不知情的情况下,维持了与他们的情况不相适应的风险/回报的投资组合。

• 未能探索其他机会。


Education about risk/return, asset allocation.


5. Endowment bias(禀赋效应)


People valuean asset more when they hold rights to it than when they do not.



·Fail to sell off certain assets and replace them with other assets.

·Maintain an inappropriate asset allocation.

·Continue to hold assets which they are familiar

• 未能出售某些资产并用其他资产替代它们。

• 保持不适当的资产配置。

• 继续持有熟悉的资产。


Help clients work through emotional attachment issue.


6. Regret aversionbias(后悔规避偏见)


People tend to avoidmaking decisions that will result in regret associated with bad decisions.



·Too conservative in their choices as a result of poor past outcomes.

·Engage in herding behavior.

• 由于过去糟糕的结果,在选择上过于保守。

• 参与羊群行为。


·Education advantages of diversification.

·Proper asset allocation.

• 教育客户关于分散投资的优势。

• 进行适当的资产配置。



